(901) 454-1151


Vegetables in Soups!

January 11, 2016

Fresh Tomato Soup with Scott Street Tomatoes

Now that the weather is finally feeling like winter, many of us are thinking about a warm bowl of soup for lunch or dinner.  Making your own homemade soup is a lot easier than many people realize, and the taste of homemade soup (such as tomato soup) beats a canned variety... Read More »


August 31, 2015

Tomaillos at Scott Street Tomato House

Before the explosive growth of Mexican and Texmex cuisine, most people north of the Mexican border had never heard of Tomatillos. Now, most have at least heard of them, but few could pick one out of a line up! Tomatillos look like small green tomatoes (they are in the same... Read More »

Green Tomatoes

July 29, 2015

green tomatoes in wholesale produce