(901) 454-1151


Vegetables at Thanksgiving

November 16, 2015

Vegetables at Thanksgiving

How can I write about Thanksgiving and vegetables when the main stars of dinner are Turkey and dressing?  I will be the first to admit that vegetables are not the first thing (or even the second thing) I think about when it comes to the traditional Thanksgiving dinner (think pie). ... Read More »

Sweet Potatoes

October 19, 2015

Now that there is a chill in the air, certain “Cold weather” foods come to mind.  One in particular is the sweet potato.  Sweet Potatoes are a staple at Thanksgiving. However, they are quickly becoming a popular choice year-round for a nutritious tasty side dish.  Sweet potato fries are often... Read More »


August 31, 2015

Tomaillos at Scott Street Tomato House

Before the explosive growth of Mexican and Texmex cuisine, most people north of the Mexican border had never heard of Tomatillos. Now, most have at least heard of them, but few could pick one out of a line up! Tomatillos look like small green tomatoes (they are in the same... Read More »

Avocados: the versatile produce

August 13, 2015

Avocados wholesale produce in Memphis

Poblano Peppers: A spicy Favorite!

July 01, 2015